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The Less-Stress Way to Make Mornings Easier with Kids

The Less-Stress Way to Make Mornings Easier with Kids

Curb the stress and cue the fun! With the proper preparation, mornings with kids can be awesome (or, at the very least, not wholly chaotic). Try these easy tips for getting kids ready in the morning and help the entire family start the day off right!

Prep breakfast beforehand, or keep it supremely simple.

Getting kids ready in the morning while simultaneously trying to flip pancakes or fry bacon is a recipe for disaster. Instead, prepare grab-and-go breakfasts the night before, like breakfast burritos, muffins, or this healthy baked oatmeal with bananas and strawberries. If you haven’t prepped ahead, it’s best to leave the elaborate breakfasts for slow weekend mornings. Instead, stick to fast, simple options like microwaved scrambled eggs, cereal, and toast.

Maintain a consistent bedtime and routine 

One of the easiest ways to ensure a rocky morning is by having grumpy, under-slept children. Establish a consistent, age-appropriate bedtime and routine to ensure they’re getting adequate amounts of sleep each night — including weekends.

It might not be easy getting everyone on a new schedule, but it’ll make your life much easier in the long run. Additionally, maintaining a consistent morning wake-up time a couple of weeks before school starts is a great way to establish a healthy, seamless, and beneficial routine.

Pack backpacks and lunchboxes ahead of time.

Before everyone goes to bed, make sure backpacks are packed with all the required homework, books, and school supplies. You’ll also want to pack your kids’ lunches and make-ahead snacks before calling it a night. Preparing the evening before will help to save precious minutes during a busy morning.

Prepping breakfast and lunch ahead of time requires some fridge space, which is why upgrading to a spacious refrigerator can make your mornings much more manageable. The Whirlpool Stainless French Door Bottom Mount Refrigerator from Rent-A-Center offers 20 cubic feet of storage space, while the French doors make getting organized easier than ever. Sleep rest assured, knowing that all breakfasts and lunches are neatly packed away for the following day!

Plan your clothing the night (or week) before.

When looking for easy ways to get ready for school faster, nighttime preparation is key. Instead of scrambling for a clean pair of pants or a matching set of shoes during a hectic morning, lay out everyone’s outfits the night before. 

Additionally, staying on top of laundry can mean the difference between a peaceful morning and a stressful one! Ensure that your appliances are up for the task by upgrading to an option like the Whirlpool Chrome Shadow from Rent-A-Center.

Get out of bed before your kids do.

Waking up earlier might not be the tip you want to read when wondering how to make mornings easier with kids, but it can make a massive difference. Giving yourself just 15 minutes of alone time can work wonders. Set your alarm before any of the children wake up, prepare yourself for the day, and enjoy some much-needed “me time.” 

Enjoy a hot cup of coffee, watch the morning news, or even spend this time getting ahead on your work. However you decide to spend your morning, making time for you will help fill your cup before each new day.

Start your day with an empty dishwasher.

A sink full of dirty dishes can instantly make you feel overwhelmed. It might sound small, but starting every day with an empty dishwasher can be a true game-changer. Not only does this ensure plenty of dishes and silverware for breakfast, but it also means that dirty dishes can go straight into the dishwasher instead of piling in the sink.

What’s missing from your morning? If it’s a little help from your home appliances, laptops, or electronics, Rent-A-Center can help. Shop rent-to-own dishwashers, refrigerators, and other appliances online or at a Rent-A-Center near you today!


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