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Need a Better Way to Manage Your Monthly Budget? This Worksheet Can Help.

Need a Better Way to Manage Your Monthly Budget? This Worksheet Can Help.

Piggy bank and calculator

Sticking to a budget is tough. Spending more than you make is tougher. But how do you keep it all straight month over month?

Technology is a beautiful thing, and there are lots of different apps that can help you manage your money. But maybe all you want is a simple worksheet. We got you.

Managing your monthly expenses may not be the most fun thing you do, but it’s certainly the most important. With our worksheet (available for download as an Excel spreadsheet or a PDF), you can estimate your income and expenses at the beginning of the month, then fill in the real numbers as you go.

Save it to your home computer to use electronically, or print it out and enter the numbers manually. Either way it’ll help you stay on track, budget-wise, so you have less stress and more time for the fun stuff.

Download your worksheet:

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The good things in life don’t have to be out of reach. Rent-A-Center is here to make the things you want and need accessible, and Front & Center is your resource for living well on a budget.

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