Worry-Free Explained
Rent-A-Center’s Worry-Free Guarantee means you can rent to own appliances, electronics, computers, and furniture without credit; you can select one of three flexible payment options; and you can choose to upgrade your item at any time.** But what about Worry-Free service and repairs? We’re here to help you understand the specifics regarding delivery, maintenance calls, returns, and loaner products.
Delivery Always Included
Rent-A-Center delivers and sets up your rent-to-own items during regular business hours at a date and time that’s convenient for you. We give you a call on the day of delivery to confirm the time, address, and items for delivery. When the Rent-A-Center team arrives, we set up the merchandise, inspect it, and provide a quick demonstration.** Have a question? We have the answer! We also remove product packaging when we leave, so you don’t have to worry about the trash.
Superb Service
The Worry-Free Guarantee is also a promise that if you find an item requires service during the lease term, we repair it at no cost to you. Simply call your nearest location, and we’ll schedule a service visit as quickly as possible. Once the Rent-A-Center service professional arrives, he determines if the item is eligible for repair. If so, he fixes the item on-site. Or, if the item needs to be repaired in the store, we give you a comparable loaner item for the interim (more on this below). Once the merchandise has been serviced, we call you to coordinate a date and time to return it to you.
Easy Returns
If you find you need to freeze or stop payments, just return the item to your nearest Rent-A-Center location or schedule a pickup.
Loaner Items
If your rent-to-own furniture, electronics, computer, or appliance needs repair, we provide you with a comparable item at no charge while the original is being serviced.
At Rent-A-Center, our Worry-Free Guarantee means purchasing and maintaining your items is easy, convenient, and stress-free.
**Delivery and set-up are included, and Rent-A-Center services and maintains the merchandise while on rent or in NJ, for duration stated on agreement; set-up does not include connection of gas appliances. For model upgrades, simply return the product you are currently renting and open a new agreement for another model. You can return your product and freeze your payments. To restart an agreement on a returned product, Rent-A-Center will retain your payment records for two years. Thereafter, simply bring in your last payment receipt for reinstatement.