Redecorate Your Bedroom: DIY No-Sew Custom Curtains
Your bedroom is your sanctuary, but it’s often the room that gets decorated last. If you never got around to it, or if you’re ready for a refresh, this is the series for you. We show you how to redecorate your bedroom, one affordable project at a time.
Next up: no-sew curtains. No need to worry about threading your sewing machine; you can make these custom curtains with inexpensive, store-bought sheers (available at your local discount store), pom pom trim (available at your local fabric store), and hot glue.
These were created to complement our yarn art, custom headboard, and jewelry holder projects. Not only are the curtains easy to make, but they also look like you paid more for them!
Materials Needed:
- Sheer window panels (1 or 2 per window)
- Pom pom trim (about 4 yards per curtain)
- Hot glue gun with glue sticks
- Pins
- Scissors
- Curtain rod
Step 1
Cut the pom pom trim to the length of the curtain, starting below the opening at the top. If needed, use pins to help keep the fringe in place alongside the edge of the curtain while measuring.
Once finished, cut a second piece of fringe equal to your first piece. You should have two pieces for both sides of the curtain.
Step 2
Secure the pom pom trim to each side of the curtain. Add hot glue along the edge, and position the trim on top of the hot glue. Work in sections, adding a small amount of hot glue at a time so you can add the fringe while the glue is still hot.
Step 3
If you’re making more than one curtain panel, repeat steps 1 and 2 for each additional panel.
Step 4
Secure the rod hardware to the wall according to the instructions that came with it. Insert the rod into the opening of the curtain and hang.
Step 5 (optional)
If you have any additional sheer fabric and pom pom trim, you can make ties to keep the curtain in place.