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Your Spring Guide to Cleaning Major Appliances

Your Spring Guide to Cleaning Major Appliances

Man spraying cleaner into empty fridgeAhh, springtime. Fresh air, fresh perspective, and fresh… appliances? You probably already have a spring cleaning checklist for sprucing up the rooms of your home. But have you thought about cleaning the appliances that you use every day?

You might be surprised at the dirt and dust that can build up inside them, but all that grime from dirty clothes, dishes, and more has to go somewhere! Learn the best ways to clean your appliances to maximize spring freshness in your home.

Deep Cleaning a Refrigerator

Do you know what’s hiding in your refrigerator? You may have expired or spoiled food and don’t even realize it. When cleaning appliances this spring, the fridge is a great place to start. It’s probably one of the more time-consuming tasks on your appliance cleaning list, so why not knock it out first?

  1. Clear it out: The best way to clean your refrigerator is to take everything out of it — yes, everything! Make a pile of items you want to keep and trash anything that’s expired or that you won’t use. You might be surprised at how much space you’ll get back when you clean out the fridge this way.
  2. Deep clean: While the fridge is empty, deep clean the shelves and the inside using surface cleaner and paper towels. If your shelves and storage components are removable, remove and soak them in warm, soapy water. You may even be able to put smaller drawers and shelves in the dishwasher. For extra stubborn spots, use a textured sponge (steel wool and abrasive materials can scratch, so opt for a regular dish scrubber).
  3. Replace and reorganize: Once you’re done, replace your shelves and organize food in a way that will make finding what you need as effortless as possible.

If you find your fridge to be chronically chaotic, do yourself a favor and get a fresh start with a new rent-to-own refrigerator. It can make mealtime easier and serve as an upgrade for your entire kitchen!

Cleaning Your Dishwasher

Much like the fridge, you want your other food-related appliances to be squeaky clean. No one wants to have soap scum or old bits of food leftover from a dirty dishwasher. If your dishwasher only needs a light freshening, it can clean itself. Place a large bowl of vinegar on the top rack and run the dishwasher on the hottest possible setting.

If the years of grease and grime have built up too much, save yourself dishwashing time and annoyance with an affordable replacement. Get a new Whirlpool dishwasher with affordable payments for worry-free convenience and squeaky clean dishes.

Cleaning Your Stove Top and Kitchen Range

Nothing makes your kitchen look more spring-time fresh than a clean range! Remove burner trays from your stove (if you have them) and soak them in soapy water. Sprinkle baking soda on your stovetop, then spray a solution of vinegar and water on top. Wipe the solution off with a microfiber towel to prevent scratches.

Got a rusty stove? Mix a natural cleaning solution using equal parts cream of tartar and baking soda. Apply the mixture to the rusty spots, and rub it off with a clean towel!

Ranges have many nooks and crannies where crumbs and grime can get stuck — and let’s not even talk about what happens over years of use. You could spend hours scrubbing years of old meals away. Gross! If this sounds like too much work, then upgrade your cooking experience with a sparkling clean, brand new range.

A black stainless smooth-top Whirlpool range features a fingerprint-resistant finish to keep it looking cleaner, longer? No matter if you’re a wannabe gourmet chef or a weeknight meal connoisseur, you deserve a new Whirlpool range!

How to Clean a Washer and Dryer

Do you know what the single cause of mold and mildew is in a home? WATER, of course! Your washing machine is frequently filled with water and can be a breeding ground for mildew. You don’t want that on your clothes. Run your washing machine on a hot cycle with one cup of chlorine bleach in it (but no detergent or laundry!). Once the cycle is over, wipe the inside dry with a towel.

Your dryer needs love, too. Wipe out the inside of the drum with a soapy rag, then dry it off with a clean towel. Emptying the lint trap after every load is good, but deep cleaning the mesh lint compartment is even better! Grab your vacuum and use the crevice attachment to suck up any lint that’s stuck on the trap. Doing this can help your dryer work more efficiently, but more importantly, it can help prevent fire hazards.

If your washer and dryer still aren’t working like they should after some appliance cleaning TLC, replacing them is a fantastic way to save yourself money in the long term. Get a new Whirlpool washer and dryer that gives you endless options for cleaning, sanitizing, drying, and even steam refreshing. Its chrome black finish will make your laundry room a little sleeker, and its larger capacity can help you get through more laundry, more efficiently.

Whirlpool Washer and Dryer set

Don’t Forget to Clean Your Oven!

The inside of your oven may be a “shut-it-and-forget-it” task, but did you know that a dirty oven can impart an off-taste in your food?

To tackle that greasy beast, start by removing your wire racks and soaking them in soapy water. If the interior of your oven is particularly soiled, use a baking soda and vinegar-water solution to create a paste and scrub off any stains on the interior. You may need to let the mixture sit for a few minutes for stubborn stains.

Many modern ovens feature a self-cleaning function. The oven heats to an extremely high temperature (over 800F!), which incinerates all of the food bits that are stuck to the inside. You’re then left with an easy-to-empty pile of ash! The major drawbacks to this function, however, are time, heat produced, and smell.

Self-cleaning ovens can take up to 5 hours to complete their cycle, which is 5 hours that you can’t use your stove. Additionally, the high temperatures can turn your kitchen into a sauna, as well as give a burnt-food smell to your home. Plan accordingly before starting this task!

If scrubbing many years’ worth of food goop from your odorous oven doesn’t sound like your idea of a good time, consider replacing your stinky stove with an affordable rent-to-own oven!

Find New Whirlpool Appliances at Rent-A-Center

There’s nothing cleaner than a brand new appliance! Put down the spray bottle, take off the rubber gloves, and head to your nearest Rent-A-Center location for everything from Whirlpool refrigerators to dishwashers that’ll keep your home fresh and functional this spring.

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